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5 Grooming Routines In 2020 To Stay Beautiful.

5 Grooming Routines In 2020 To Stay Beautiful.

1.   Wash face & use face balm:

The first fundamental routine to having a healthy skin is to always wash your face with regular soap and warm water to open the pores, removing makeup and dirt, then rinse off with cold water to close the pores. The process of massaging the face while washing helps to increase blood circulation in the skin. The second fundamental routine will be to use a light face balm before bed to prevent wrinkles. These are the two crucial simple steps guys.

2.   Condition your hair:

What are conditioners anyway and why are they important? They are a blend of oils, butters, water, and emollients that refortifies the cuticle after shampooing with a protective coating, allowing the hair to keep growing and not break easily. According to my hairstylist Lucy, once you stop using hair conditioners, your hair can become dry, more brittle, susceptible to tangles, and prone to breakage. The two-step process would be to shampoo your hair, remove excess water, apply your condition, leave on the hair for 5-10mins then rinse off.

3.   Hydration:

Glow with water.  It would be awesome to replace regular cups of coffee and sugary drinks with water. If you can replace water with regular cups of coffee and sugary drinks, it would be awesome. Increased water intake helps healthy hair growth, rejuvenated skin glow and flushes out impurities in the body system.

4.    Prioritize sleep:

Gabrielle Union (American actress) is 46 years old and she looks 25 years younger, she says “the best anti-aging tip is the ability to say no, no, and hell, no,” she said. “We run ourselves ragged saying yes to every freaking thing, whether it’s to our family, spouses, or careers. I sleep eight hours a day and do not let myself stress out. A lot of people call it selfish, but I don’t have any wrinkles.”

5.   Exercise, exercise & exercise:

Eating good food during this covid-19 lockdown has been fun but somehow my jeans are now tight. So, we formed a group on WhatsApp, encouraging each other to exercise and eat right. It helps if you have a partner or trainer to support you through this process. The lesson of the day is we can’t stop exercising to stay beautiful.

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